Ever Green Vestments is committed to cultivating and advancing diversity in all forms because we Believe in a wide range of perspectives and talent is crucial to creating a richer culture for our employees and a greater experience for our diversified global client base.
Senior business leaders make sure that all employees in their groups understand why diversity is important for success and equip them with tools and knowledge to foster inclusion. We have made inclusive leadership and management a core leadership competency. Since 2015, more than 2,500 managers and leaders globally participated in Driving Better Decisions, an initiative that helps leaders and managers understand how unconscious bias works and, most importantly, provides concrete tools and guidance on how to take action to mitigate bias in key people and business decisions. As part of this program, we have redesigned key human resources processes to minimize the potential for bias and foster diversity. We hold our businesses accountable for progress in inclusion and diversity. During our Quarterly Business Reviews, we have focused conversations with each employee group/ business about their plans and progress. We report our progress against our inclusion and diversity initiatives regularly to our Board of Directors. As a signatory of HM Treasury’s Women in Finance Charter, which seeks to build a more balanced and diverse financial services industry, TEI is committed to achieving 20% female representation in senior management by 2020.